Intimate Tulip
I begin at the Beginning with the Beginner Mind. These are One,
for Infinite Mind is the Beginning of all, and is forever starting
new creations. Mind cannot cease creating, being creative
by Nature. This Creativity is my natural proclivity. Beginning
with my Origin, I get my Self right along with everything else.
I am happy and grateful for creative new beginnings today.
And so it is.
for Infinite Mind is the Beginning of all, and is forever starting
new creations. Mind cannot cease creating, being creative
by Nature. This Creativity is my natural proclivity. Beginning
with my Origin, I get my Self right along with everything else.
I am happy and grateful for creative new beginnings today.
And so it is.
I'm a great fan of macro. It's as though the incredible close-up changes the mind's perception of the subject, and it is as immediate in scale as one's own furniture and companions! My mind wants to translate this as a group of dancers with large headdresses, swaying around a totem of their deity, at sunset... speaking of "Mind that cannot cease creating!"