Thursday, October 30, 2014


Red on Green

Success is always and inevitable for Infinite Mind. God's Will goes not
undone. So success is actually a Quality of this, the One Mind. As an
expression of this Mind, success comes as constantly for me. Divine Mind
expends no effort to succeed, for the Eternal Rest of this One remains
unbroken and unaltered. I now release old ideas that hard work makes
my success materialize. "Hard work" being physical, is an effect, and effects
cannot cause. I am grateful that my thought and feeling are causitive of
my experience. I am guided into God's success mentality now. And so it is.


Monday, October 27, 2014


Lavender Crocus Ring

The electrical, ultraviolet Energy of Infinite Mind I now allow myself to
notice. This, the Only Power, is completely benign, Loving, Safe and
Joyous. This is the Real Life coursing through my mind and Identity. This
the Power flowing through my body and all of this physical universe. I
now have the courage to witness this Vitality. I open to recognize the
Real World I never left and that still surrounds and interpenetrates me.
I lay down my defenses and let this All-Intelligent Power re-inform me of
Its wonder and wonderfulness. I am grateful for this Love-Life. And so it is.


Sunday, October 26, 2014


Mammary Clouds
Views of Houston 2008

I am nurtured by the Life within. My mind is stayed on that Life
in all moments, so my life works perfectly now. In perfect receptivity
I accept Divine Direction as naturally as breathing. I am guided into
ever clearer peace, into ever better circumstances. In deep trust of
this Life, I recognize this Life in all and all is well. I am very grateful.
And so it is.


Friday, October 24, 2014


Yellow Tulip Showing Up

I open to my innate balance now. Allowing my mind to remember its
natural equilibrium, I live in harmony and balance with myself and all
people. My emotions return to imperturbable peace. My body returns
to perfect balance in all systems: eliminations and assimilations, hormonal,
blood pressure, eye pressure and all other equilibriums. The body of my
affairs stabilizes and equalizes. Doubts of my value and worth are
eliminated conclusively. Good comes into my life easily and often. In
gratitude I live fully and successfully in every area of my life. And so it is.


Thursday, October 23, 2014


Tulip of Rich Pink

Love does not lie. Love trusts honesty. There is no relationship if one or
both parties deceive. Love does not do for another what they can do for
themselves. For love will not deprive another of their growth opportunity.
Love does not encourage dependency. Love respects autonomy and the
growth into handling autonomy. Love trusts the interior resources of
each person, many more hidden than presently revealed. Love trusts
they will be revealed as called upon. I am thankful this all-intelligent
love guides and motivates me in my every relationship. And so it is.


Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Fell-Into-A-Paint-Can Rose

I am artist to my own life. The thoughts I choose, the feelings I select are
the "colors" with which I paint the canvas of my life experience. If I
choose fear and grief, I paint a nightmare. If I choose love and joy,
I paint beauty, fun and fulfillment. And if I choose to join with the
Great Artist for co-creating my life, glory and holiness results. People
are healed, togetherness replaces isolation, nightmares are released,
and goodness flows abundantly revealing freedom and truth in all
people and situations. I am grateful I can select the Highest. And so it is.


Monday, October 20, 2014


Clownfish Nemo
At the Houston Zoo 2010

More than a creature, I am a creation of Light. I am the luminance of
the Infinite Mind. Though an unique being, I am also one with my
Creator Mind. In this ocean of Love I live and move and have my being.
I am so grateful for my freedom, for unerring guidance and for
continuous love. I know I am safe always. I contact the Love within
me now and I feel so grateful. And so it is.


Sunday, October 19, 2014


Where the Crocus Are

"Let there be Light," and the First Born came into being: us! The Master
called us, "the Light of the world." He knew! The question is: do I? This
'Pure Mind Light of Perfect Knowing' is my right to know. It is my
Original State of Mind. This Knowing State still resides deeply
within the mind that I am, Child of the Infinite Mind that is God.
My desire to know this Rest begins my inevitable Return. All of God
is for this remembering and guides me home. I can do this. I can
permit this. I can accept this in peace and gratitude. And so it is.


Friday, October 17, 2014


Pair of Narcissus

I declare peace in my own mind now. I have the right and the capacity
to declare peace between myself and any other person, any other event.
I also have the right and capacity to declare peace with myself. No more
self-accusations, no more self-criticism or self-rejection. I relax out of all
anxiety and worry, all stress and distress. Peace is permanently an attribute
of my real nature. I contemplate this peace and allow it to reveal its
presence in me. I allow this peace to flow into my every relationship.
I am grateful for harmony within me and with all. And so it is.


Thursday, October 16, 2014


Flowering Cherry Delicate

Love grows in my heart, forever, always. This Love is also full blown, as
the Divine Love that I am and that is my everpresent Source. The "growing"
is my releasing the blocks of fear and grief that have hidden the fullness
of this Love from my awareness. This naturally reveals to me more of this
Maximal Love that is the Truth of my Identity. Everything within me rises up
to this joyous task. Everything within me desires to remember and dwell,
again, fully in the awareness of this Love. Gratefully I allow Love to lead
the Way and to be the Way. And so it is.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Big Leaf Maple Bloom Cluster

Within me is a Life that constantly seeks Its Own replication. The biological
expression of this Life examples this reproductive exuberance. The realm
of ideas shows a similar natural propensity for expansion. Spiritually, the
practice of an Ideal grows the man or woman into new heights of
awareness. I allow this Life to have Its way in me and with me now. I
accept the naturalness of prospering experience. With deep gratitude
I enjoy excellent health, balance and harmony in all my relationships,
divine right self expression and wealth to support it all. And so it is.


Monday, October 13, 2014


ChaosPro First Try A019

Creativity crackles through my mind and thought always.
I relax now into this high voltage Originality. I open to
inspiration knowing Good alone is present in me.
From the Invisible comes the visible into my world.
I am grateful to be God's organ of new birth.
I love the joy of creativity. And so it is.


Sunday, October 12, 2014


Dogtooth Violet from Above

Infinite Mind cannot have any boundary, being infnite. Therefore, I must
be within this Mind always. This means I have a Constant Companion.
I cannot leave my Source nor can my Source abandon me. And why
would Love want to? I am the beloved in whom God is well pleased.
So abandonment is an impossibility. Created one with the Whole, along
with everyone, no one can leave me nor can I leave anyone. I discharge
the old belief in abandonment. I cannot be bereft. I gratefully awaken to
my constant togetherness with my Source and everyone. And so it is.


Friday, October 10, 2014


Crocus Colony Lavender

I am in my right place, in my right community and about my right and
perfect work. My universe conspires for my success. I am successfully
accomplishing my purpose for being here each and every day. I am
guided. I am informed. I understand. Therefore I make right and perfect
decisions. I connect with the right and perfect people. I find my right and
perfect answers. Over and done is any fear or anxiety. I trust Life. I trust
myself with my life. I trust all others with their lives. I am grateful to so
respect myself and all others. All is well. And so it is.


Thursday, October 9, 2014


Mandelbrot Set BW #313

I have but one center, not two. I am but one mind, not two.
I live by One Power, not two. There is no other Center, Mind or Power.
I release the counterfeit experience of myself by
remembering my unity with Totality now.
Wholeness is my self-unity. I trust my Innate Integration.
All is well. I am grateful. And so it is.


Monday, October 6, 2014


Ajuga Amid Iris

Infinite Mind is in a constant state of Peace. No conflict is possible in this,
the only Mind. Infinite means Whole, One, Total, Complete. There is
nothing outside of Infinity to contradict. And nothing within Infinity to
deny or refute the Truth. Infinity is a continuity, not particlized; a Whole,
not a system of parts. It is inherently consistent within Itself and in constant
integrity with Its Nature. This Mind is my right mind. This Mind is my awake
mind. I am grateful my conflicts are inherently meaningless, as Truth will
demonstrate as I allow It to dawn in my awareness. And so it is.


Sunday, October 5, 2014


White and Gold Rhodies

Jesus became the Universal Christ by releasing limiting ideas of his Identity.
Yet, he always was the Christ, as are all of us. Christ is God's Child. Who
among us have some other Creator? Only One Creator exists: Infinite Mind.
In clearing from his inner mind all dissent from his Identity, "created in the
image and likeness" of his Source, Jesus returned to his original state. We
say he was "christed." He remembered and identified with his native
perfection. He is the Way, for we follow in his footsteps. I am grateful
for my Elder Brother's example and guidance in the Way. And so it is.


Saturday, October 4, 2014


Crocus Threesome Purple Striped

I listen for Truth's Voice within. Since my mind is an extention of the
Infinite Mind, Truth is everpresent within my mind. Truth is always
available to me. I trust this Voice's whispers in my thought and feeling.
I act immediately on the sense and feeling I receive. I love the gentle
and clear guidance my Source sends to me. I am humbly grateful for
God's gracious herdsmanship. I go as directed in complete trust.
Nothing in me argues. Everything in me accepts. And so it is.


Friday, October 3, 2014


A Profusion of Orange Azaleas

I am in balance at all times. For my inner Source is a Unity always in perfect
Equilibrium. Infinite Mind's Poise is my poise. Infinite Mind's Stability is my
stability. Being Infinite, there is nothing outside Itself to upset this perfect
Equanimity. This is my mind and my experience now. As with this Limitless
Mind, my balance is dynamic, not static. Like a spinning gyro, I right myself
effortlessly and automatically. I am so grateful for my balance in the
presence of all people and all circumstances. And so it is.


Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Creamy Backlit Hellebore

As an expression of Infinite Mind, I, too, am ageless, timeless, eternal.
For my oneness with this Mind cannot be interrupted or altered.
Infinite means no outer boundaries - no circumference. Having
no outside, I cannot be but inside this Mind. I shall always be, for
God, an internal experience, along with everything else. Since like
produces like, I shall forever be as this Mind is. Moreover, God defines
me; I do not. Letting go of limited ideas of myself, in quiet I receive
God's knowing of what I am. I am humbly grateful. And so it is.
