Sunday, January 5, 2014


White Rhody Bloom Backlit

"Life flows from the inward to the outer." Divine Mind, being infinite, has
no outer boundary, and so no outside. And Its Center is everywhere! It
must therefore be that I dwell at the Center, as do we all. So my life flows
from my inward thought to my field of experience. Only because I
thought I was finite do I perceive a horizon to this field. Isn't my actual
environment this Infinite Mind? Doesn't my  thought in reality flow
deeper into the Infinity that is God? I am grateful the One Life does
flow from Itself through me into Itself. And so it is.


1 comment:

  1. Well, last night I realized what must be happening to my photo uploads. Uploaded photos go into Picasa where, in October a setting in "Auto Enhance" changed "spontaneously" in Picasa from "Off" to "Normal." This was causing the lightening and at times harsh contrast increase. I went in and changed all photos back to "Off" and amazingly today those photos are showing up on the Blog as I intended. So all is well. Except that now I'll be uploading direct to Picasa first and then taking the photo from there into the Blog, to check the "Auto Enhance" feature each time. This is veeeerrrrry sllllooooowwww. But this workaround does the job.
