Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Viola Pair

I am a wonderful and excellent companion to all I contact.
All people are excellent companions to me. I love and enjoy
all people. All people love and enjoy me. I love and enjoy
God's Creation in all people, including myself. Recognizing Love
when It speaks, I respond in kind. I am so happy and grateful.
And so it is.


Early Pink Camellia

Joy abounds in me. Joy is my natural state. Babies are born happy.
Children are naturally happy. When did I question my natural happiness?
Time to release that doubt. My joy has gone nowhere. It is still here within
my mind. I am a creation of Joy without limit. Therefore, nothing can limit
my joy. Gratefully I remember and live my rightful joy now. And so it is.

Monday, July 29, 2013


Mostly Mint Peppermint Camellia

Beauty is evident in all things, when I am willing to see it.
Beauty is evident in all people as I release my preconceived notion
of beauty. Beauty is evident in me as I forgive myself. Only guilt obscures
the Radiance of God in all things, all people, and myself, though that
Radiance remains wholly present. I let go my ugly thoughts about my
Self and a universe of Beauty opens before me. In wonder and awe
I am so grateful. And so it is.

Sunday, July 28, 2013


Yellow Water Iris

I arise from the same Infinite Life as everything else.
This Life living me is all Strength, all Intelligence, all Love.
I claim this Life as my right and rightful Identity now. I relax
into my Real Self. I, too, am unfolding in unerring grace.
I love my life. I am very grateful. And so it is.

Saturday, July 27, 2013


The Chanterelle of Roses
Portland International Rose Garden 2010

I discard cultural beliefs of beauty and perfection. I allow my mind
to expand into my natural comprehension of the Beauty and
Perfection in Which I am immersed. I look with new eyes upon
my Self and my world. I see beauty and perfection everywhere.
I see even tears and gaps are perfect. I take the universal position
and see as the Universal sees: loveliness everywhere. In awe and
reverence how can I not love what I behold? In gratitude, it is so.

Friday, July 26, 2013


Rhubarb Blossoms

Within me is an irrepressibly Creative Intelligence.
This is the same Intelligence that unfurls every flower,
raises up every tree and colors each sunset.
This Intelligence is now unfurling me and this life that I am.
Trusting this Inward Creativity completely, I return to repose.
I let God be God for me now, and gratefully so. And so it is.

Thursday, July 25, 2013


Pink Cyclamen From Above
Seattle Conservatory

My heart is Love's Heart - the Heart and Center of Universal Love.
I am a radiance of this Love into my world. This is the Creator
expressing through me. This is the natural expression of my
deepest desire. For Love's Will is ever my will. I know this ever
present, healing Love is operating in and through me now.
I release myself into this awareness with gratitude.
And so it is.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Surly Red Peony

I dwell at the Center of the Limitless. For Infinity is that Whose
circumference is nowhere and Whose Center is everywhere.
The Ancients knew! All God's Love, Attention and Joy is centered
on me. And infinitely on everyone else. I release ideas of finite mind.
I let that old superstition go! I wake up to Where I am
and to Who I am. I am so grateful to know.
And so it is.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Tulip Tree Magnolia Spent Bloom

Within every new moment is the seed idea for the next. I am forever
replicating myself into tomorrow. Yet it all happens today, in this instant.
Therefore I keep my attention on this perfect moment. From a perfect
present a perfect future must flow. I stay my attention on this instant
of fullness. I know the total goodness of this now. For this stability of
consciousness I am so grateful. And so it is.

Sunday, July 21, 2013


White Iris with Yellow Veins

I cannot besmirch my purity for I did not create myself.
My Identity is beyond my jurisdiction. I can only accept it
or dissent from it. But dissenting from my Identity is dissenting
from its Author. I lay aside this arrogance now. Would the pot
argue with the Potter? I trust the All-Intelligent knows what It is
doing. I open to a new acceptance of my Innocence today.
I am so grateful I am so pure. And so it is.


Life Unfurling
Portland International Rose Garden

The One Life, forever unfurling Itself, is my life now.
Every day is a new day. Every experience is a new experience.
Monotony and boredom are foreign to me. What a stimulating life!
I love and enjoy each new moment. I am alert, alive and aware.
How grateful I am for this great adventure of life.
And so it is.

Friday, July 19, 2013


Camellia Grand Royale

In the silence of my own being I feel, again, my Self.
Here I know I am whole, complete, perfect. This inviolate Self
cannot be perturbed, cannot fear or stress. In this silence the secret
of my Self is revealed to me anew. Moving into this silence I disrobe the
conflicts, the confusions that kept me from this Self. Freed of unecessary
encumbrances, I breathe in the fresh air of Truth. I feel so grateful.
And so it is.


Butterscotch Orchid
Seattle Conservatory

A definition of love: to hold another to myself as tightly as I can
with my arms wide open. Freedom goes with love. Respect
for another's sovereignty goes with love. Trust of another goes
with love. Infinite Mind loves me this way. I am totally loved and
total freedom goes with that Love. How wonderful this Love is my
natural love, too. I am so grateful. And so it is.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


First Try A005
ChaosPro 4.0

Being Infinite, Divine Mind has no outer boundary. Therefore God
has nowhere to extend Himself but more deeply into HImself. I am
that extension. I am, for God, an inner experience, even as, for me,
God is an inner experience. The Kingdom is within! I love this Life
in Which I am immersed and Which is immersed in me!
Glad and grateful, I know it is so now.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Warmth and Peace
Portland International Rose Garden 2010

I claim my natural inward security now. I have every right to be
and to be here now. The All-Intelligent and All-Loving accompanies
me into every experience. This core Refuge and Security fills my mind
and heart. I know I belong. I know I am in my right place and moment.
And I know my presence only blesses all. I am so grateful for inward
Self-acceptance now. My security is complete. And so it is.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Mauve on Peach

Subtleties within subtleties yet completely clear is the Truth of my nature.
Making finer and finer distinctions I become ever clearer of what I am.
Truth cannot be confused or confusing. Clarity comes naturally with Truth.
Within I have a Guide to every subtlety, clearing my mind as swiftly as
I will allow. I am so grateful to be gently led into this full recovery of my
being and nature. I am thankful and grateful for this continuing
discovery. And so it is.

Monday, July 15, 2013


Blooming Surrounded by Green

I am hid as Christ in God. My real Identity as Beauty, as Love,
as Wisdom and Strength is far safer than I imagined. I turn to
this Christ-Identity and let go into this Oneness-Self now. I rejoin
the Whole of Life Within. I feel everything and everyone here
within me now. I smile in this inner knowing. I, too, am within
everything and everyone. Always with All, never alone,
I am deeply grateful. And so it is.


Pink Poppy

In my deepest heart-mind is all the love there is. I am built of this love.
There is no sense in denying this truth. Love will out. Love must express.
And this love is the only real power possible. Hence this love is my only
safety. All opinions to the contrary are discredited in this awareness. For
this love brings safety to all I contact and is reflected back to me as my
continual security. I claim this love as my Reality now. I see from this love.
I am grateful for this love. And so it is.

Saturday, July 13, 2013


Seattle Conservatory

I am an unfurling of the Heart of God. I am an emanation
of Divine Givingness. I radiate the Beauty, Love and Intelligence
of Divine Mind. Like produces like. I cannot be other than my
Creator is. I return to my Self. I remember my Source. I accept
my perfect purity now. All is well. I feel deeply grateful.
And so it is.

Friday, July 12, 2013


Portland International Rose Garden 2010

Enthusiasm is my natural feeling. Enthusiasm is my love for life.
Love is That of Which I am built. Enthusiasm is just another
beautiful form of love. Loving life, loving all, including myself,
Love comes back to me multiplied. I am enthused for this life
and all that to which I feel drawn. How wonderful to get to
play here now. I am so grateful. And so it is.

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Freckly Tulips

Within me is a quiet space immune to the rough and tumble.
As I give myself more time experiencing this spaciousness,
the tumult quiets. I lose interest in disturbance. My life expresses
more harmony, more cooperation. The joy in this quietness filters
subtly into my outer experience. For this living Peace,
I am so grateful. And so it is.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Red Bromeliad
Seattle Conservatory

I am suffused with the Energy of Life. The Universal Livingness is
living me now. I relax into this Power, Presence and Grace. I accept
my natural poise and equanimity. I feel this energy of life flowing
through my every thought, feeling and activity. Not I but this Energy
moves me, acts through me and does the work, expressing Itself, my Self.
For this I am very grateful. And so it is.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Houston Zoo

I look out for my good. I expect my good in every moment. I am alert
for my inner guidance. I am always informed as to just what to do
and when and how to do it. I go into action immediately. I feel
continuously grateful. And my good increases every day. I know
my good comes from my Source and nowhere else. I thank the
channel through which my good comes and I thank my Source,
And so it is.

Monday, July 8, 2013


Dogwood Rose
Portland International Rose Garden 2010

Life is both delicate and durable, fleeting in expression and eternal.
For the Source of all Life is constantly expressing every possibility.
Creative Mind cannot cease creating and still be Itself. I am one
with this Exuberance. I am unified with this Livingness. I rejoice
in the variations of life that I experience knowing I am in the
flow of the One Life. What brilliance! What scope! I feel so
honored, humble and grateful. And so it is.