Down the Throat of the Speckly Iris
The Most High Awareness is my Author and Creator, my Home and my
Guide. I am in constant, conscious contact with this inward Presence.
For I completely trust Infinite Intelligence, Love and Goodness will only
lead me into safety, fulfillment and joy. My faith in my Guide is constantly
confirmed by my experience. There is no need for "believing in" when
knowing has returned. I am so grateful for a living trust in my Companion
and Source. And so it is.
Guide. I am in constant, conscious contact with this inward Presence.
For I completely trust Infinite Intelligence, Love and Goodness will only
lead me into safety, fulfillment and joy. My faith in my Guide is constantly
confirmed by my experience. There is no need for "believing in" when
knowing has returned. I am so grateful for a living trust in my Companion
and Source. And so it is.