Thursday, February 28, 2013

Open Bearded Iris

My mind is open, my heart is open, just like that of my Source.
I have nothing to fear. God's Openness is mine, and is also
my Safety. Defenselessness assumes a perfectly safe universe.
I have nothing to defend, nothing to prove, nothing to hide
and no reason to hide. I am grateful to be safely open
and visible now. And so it is.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Portland International Rose Garden

Noble is the truth of what I am.
I have never changed this Truth
nor can I, for I did not create myself.
I now accept my nobility, my sovereignty.
Humbly I accept the brilliance that I am.
Why hold back so others won't feel uncomfortable?
My brilliance is theirs. Why not display this Light?
I am grateful for Universal Goodness.
And so it is.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Blue Tinged Pansy

I look with joy upon my world.
Within I feel God's Joy warming me, growing me.
I radiate this happiness to all of life.
Oneness is so wonderful! And so it is.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

March Lily Pads

I am born anew in every moment.
Today, this instant, I am a new creation.
I dwell in an Eternal Now forever fresh and
alive with new life! All is well with me.
I am full with gratitude. And so it is.

Flaming Lily

I am a divine Idea in the Mind of God. Ideas cannot leave the Mind that
thinks them. Ideas are always dependent on the Mind from Which they
originate. This is the one dependency that is totally safe, secure and
life-enhancing. My Source loves and approves of me completely and
always. I can trust my Author with all that I am. The All-Good will only
demonstrate more of Itself by means of me. I am so grateful for being
a manifestation of this One Life. And so it is.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Born Anew in Blue

Truth and Reality are One. Lies and illusion are one. I dwell in Reality.
Therefore I dwell in Truth. Some think reality is our physical environment.
Perhaps Reality is rather Mind, the Creator of environment. Plato deduced
this. Mystics experience this. My Reality is my being, my Identity, one with
its Source-Reality. This the Truth that frees. This the Truth that releases
me from domination by environment. I am grateful for Reality,
Truth, Freedom. And so it is.

California Poppy Wild and Wu Li

The Vitality of Life flows through my thought and feeling.
I am alive with the exquisite sensitivity of the Divine Life.
I radiate peace and joy. Creativity sparks my every inspiration.
I bring a higher awareness of the One Life to all I contact.
For this aliveness I am very grateful. And so it is.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Vinca Major Flower and Protector

I am among friends. People like me and I like people.
I enjoy togetherness with all people. I feel so safe.
I bring safety to all people. Because I love myself
people love to be with me. I love to be with people.
As a friend, I have friends. My reciprocal universe ensures
this is always so. I feel so thankful. And so it is.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Burgundy Clematis Cluster

I look within and I see love. I look around and I see love.
Love is my vision, the Looker Within. Love is in my heart
looking upon me and my world. Love is my natural state.
Love is all I am. I am so grateful. And so it is.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Hope Springs Eternal

Someday I will find I am greater than any circumstance or situation.
Someday I will tire of limitation and bondage and be my own Moses.
Someday I will remember how free I really am, always.
Someday I will recognize my Truth-Self, and loving this singular Self fully
forego infatuation with illusions. Someday I will so love my Reality that
this is all I see, no matter the personality or form before me. I am grateful
this Someday is everpresent. I allow my heart to open to it now.
And so it is.

Azalea Cacophony

The Energy of Life animates me. The Power inherent in Mind creates
Its likeness through my every thought and feeling. I am guided by
the Infinite Intelligence. I cannot be apart from or different than the
Mind that is my Source. Today I relax into the Beauty. Today I relent
and surrender to Truth. I am so grateful for my complete safety.
Humbly I accept my True Identity now. And so it is.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Mullein Forest; Cornelia B Ranch

Upright I walk my world. I am alert to the Voice for Life
within me. In perfect balance I walk my world. I am
buoyed by Love. Silence nurtures me. I am grateful
for Grace at all times. And so it is.

Spring Peony

Limitless are my horizons. Limitless are my possibilities.
Within me is all guidance. I know what I desire to express.
I know what to do and when to do it. The Inner Mind never
fails Itself, and so cannot fail me, one with Itself. I sail the waters
of Life secure and aware. All is well. I am so grateful.
And so it is.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Lily and Camouflaged Friend

I walk with God, together with all who have come before me,
all who are here now and all who are yet to come. For Omnipresence
cannot be otherwise. I am one with Omnipresence. I cast out
of my thought all belief in apartness now. I feel my togetherness
with All Life and all expressions of this One Life.
I am so grateful I cannot walk alone.
And so it is.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Barberry Flowers

The deep Truths of Life are the deep truths of me. I am inseparable
from the Mind that conceived me. Open to these beautiful truths,
I know and love myself again. And I know and love all others.
I breathe in this depth of meaning. I feel my fathomless insides.
What an awesome gift! I feel so happy and grateful. And so it is.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

White Star

I am harmony and brilliance. I am peace and radiance. The mind within
me is me and is completely like its Creator. I lay aside any fear of the good
that I am. I discard any teaching that encourages shame or pride in my
beingness. I allow my Self to be as it is and to shine with all that it is worth.
Did not our Teacher say, "Hide not your Light?" I allow myself to remember
this Light that I am, the same Light that all are. I am in the best of company!
I am so grateful I get to contribute to my world the best and highest
 that I am. And so it is.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Red Rose Threesome

I live from good to good. For I feel the Eternal Goodness within
me now. I feel my Source loving me with every breath. I feel the
complete acceptance of all I am by this inward Presence. Warm
and secure I know I am safe always. My Protector never sleeps
but is ever vigilant for my peace, safety and ease. I grow in the
strength of my conscious awareness of this Beingness within.
I recognize anew my real Identity now. In deep gratitude I love
this Presence back with all I am. And so it is.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Waugh Bridge Nightlife
Houston, TX 2008

Though life can seem chaotic at times, Order underlies all experience.
Lawfulness lies at the foundation of Life. Natural Law cannot
be circumvented. I accept Guidance by the All-Knowing.
I conform to Love, against Which there is no law.
Love fulfils the Law, for the Law is Love. Loving,
I am in synch with the Universe and all is well.
I am so grateful. And so it is.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Waiting for Hummingbirds: Kniphofia

God is my constant vitality. God is my effortless energy.
I am a manifestation of the One Life: vital, hearty, resplendent.
The Energy of the One Life is flowing through my mind into manifestation.
As life I am activity and rest, joy and peace. All is well. I am grateful.
And so it is.

Fresh Pink Rhody Cluster

Love is my nature. Love is my purpose. Love is my Author and Definer.
I accept this love that I am. I desire only that love be known by me
and all I contact. The inner three-year-old is always clear on this point;
Love is fun, beautiful, safe, happy, pain-free. Isn't this all life is about?
My doubts I now turn over to that certain three-year-old within.
I am grateful for my certain answer: Yes, love. Why not?
And so it is.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Silent Beauty
Portland International Rose Garden

Silent Beauty wells up through every tree, every flower, every beast
and every circumstance. My mind is a creation of that Beauty,
lovely as Itself. I witness the incredible beauty of my life.
I recognize the loveliness that enfolds me as the world I see.
My heart expands with joy. Beauty calls to beauty.
I am thankful to be one with Infinite Loveliness.
And so it is.

Blue Columbine Pair

I stalk Spirit. For I deeply desire to know, again, my Source.
I search out Truth. I apply myself to remembering. Yet it is that
with Which I search that is my Source and my Self. Spirit
does not stalk me. It has no need to. Knowing It is all around
me and all within me, desiring that It be known by me, It
awaits my surrendering into It. This surrender is inevitable.
The moment must arrive when unification is again known.
For this end to apparent apartness I am so grateful. And so it is.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Opening Confidently
Portland International Rose Garden

I open to the Life that is my Source and Being. I am created in
the image and likeness of That Which has no image or likeness.
God's Nature is my nature. I remember what I am now.
I release every resistance to this Truth of my being.
I actively accept this Life that I am. This Life is so good.
I am filled with gratitude. And so it is.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Mt Hood and Fireweed over Timothy Lake

Perfect Love is right here where I am.
Limitless Peace is completely here where I am.
Joyous Truth is totally here where I am.
Every good, named and unnamed, is right here where I am.
I feel so secure and happy. All is well.
I am very grateful. And so it is.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Firecracker Dahlia

No matter the experience I am always safe. For I am immersed in
an endless Love. I am so guarded, so nurtured, so completely
protected. For my essence is as nonphysical as the Infinite Mind I
represent. Transcending all Its creations, this Mind safely experiences
all yet is free from all it produces. Neither am I absorbed by my
experiences. I stand as safe observer of my thoughts, feelings,
and all other experiences. I am grateful for this inner neutrality.
And so it is.

Friday, February 1, 2013

First Try A020
ChaosPro 4.0 freeware

The Vitality of the One Life is my vitality. In this vibrance I
see my world as alive and joyous. I see the Creative Light
in all things, persons, situations. Truly I am alive to an
everlasting Energy. As a creation of this Power I am
directed by the same guiding Intelligence. I am deeply
grateful for this Guiding Vitality. And so it is.