Monday, October 8, 2012

Mt. Si, North Bend, WA

The Power running through all life is running
through me. I am an extension of the One Life
into Itself. I follow this Power deeper into my Self.
I return to my constant beginning and remember
what I am. Today I choose this life that I am.
I am so grateful. And so it is.


  1. This is another Kodak High Speed Infrared photograph, made along I-90 east of Seattle. The morning sky and light was perfect for an infrared photogragh. This is one of my many favorites.

  2. Lots of intense contrast, I can see how it would be appealing for you, Michael. The Mt. Si area has a very interesting energy to it, doesn't it? This infrared photo brings that out, I think.

  3. Yup, I am a high contrast freak of sorts. I find Mt Si otherworldly. I agree: infrared really brings out this feel.
