Lily Crowded by Bud
Unlike all things in time, in the Infinite, all things are simultaneous.
Eternity means everything is happening at once. And so my early
stages of growth and development are as present as my current
flowering. That yet for me to experience is also fully here. I am OK with
being present to this current slice of time for I know I reside fully in Eternity.
All I am is unfolding fully, perfectly, constantly. Like my Source I am
constantly becoming. I am grateful the whole purpose, experience
and beingness - all I am - is safely here now. And so it is.
Eternity means everything is happening at once. And so my early
stages of growth and development are as present as my current
flowering. That yet for me to experience is also fully here. I am OK with
being present to this current slice of time for I know I reside fully in Eternity.
All I am is unfolding fully, perfectly, constantly. Like my Source I am
constantly becoming. I am grateful the whole purpose, experience
and beingness - all I am - is safely here now. And so it is.