Thursday, February 27, 2014


Pom Pom Peony

I see Abundance everywhere I look: stars in the sky, leaves in a forest,
grains of sand on a beach. My Universe is florid with Plenty.
All Good was given me in my creation. I know this Good still
is all within me now. My demand, my acceptance, my gratitude
translates that good from unmanifest to manifest in my experience.
Part of this Plenty is my natural awareness for drawing it into expression.
I am so grateful my good is at hand. And so it is.



The Quiet of Evening

The Natural World in which I live is mostly quiet, and some moments
are more quiet than others. Quiet is the Natural State of Divine Mind,
secure in all That It is. This Mind is my right and real mind now
and always. In quiet I am refreshed. In quiet I am renewed.
I let the Great Quiet well up within me and I know all is well.
I am so grateful. And so it is.


Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Softness and Light
Portland International Rose Garden

Gently I walk my world. Illumined I see my fellow beings.
Light and Love created me and my world. I see
as Divine Mind sees. For there is no other Mind with Which to know.
I give to my world its divine reality. God is here and God is there.
I am so blessed, along with all that is. I am grateful
for Goodness without distinctions or division.
And so it is.


Monday, February 24, 2014


Fuchsia Lewisia After a Rain

Within me is everything I see. For I am mind, not a body.
All Possibility gave all of Itself to me in my creation. Everything I see
is some part of that Possibility. I open my mind now to the possibility
of health, happiness, and supply. I open now to the possibility
of peace and understanding between all people. All the Universe is
for the fullest expression of all I am. Gratefully I let myself be what I am,
the same as What my Universe is. And so it is.


Sunday, February 23, 2014


A Peek Over the Lip

Every birth is a death and every death is a birth. For birth is an entering in
and death is an exiting. What does this going in and coming out? The
essential life within, the ever-alive mind that I am. Born into the physical
I die to the spiritual. Dying to the physical, I am born, again, into the
spiritual realm. Which is my real Home? Only in my deepest heart does
this Answer rest. Today I touch this Center where all is clear, lighted,
obvious. I am grateful living supercedes entering and exiting. In my
Home I shall no more go out and come in. And so it is.



Oriental Poppy at Sunset

I am naturally creative. This Identity was given me in my creation, by
That Which creates like Itself. Perhaps I thought I was a creature, but
I am really a creator like my Source. Underneath my denials of my Identity
I am constantly creating the Good, as is my Creator. If there be any
difference between God and me, it is that I can deny my reality.
Infinite Mind never lies to Itself, but honestly accepts All It Is and is That.
I am grateful this same Self-Acceptance rests deeply within my mind
and I can find it. And so it is.


Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Inside the Peony

The beauty of a flower, a sunset, my beloved merely reflects something
of the vast beauty that I am. I could not witness beauty but for the Beauty
Within, my Creator and Source. I carry this Loveliness wherever I go and
to whomever I contact. Deeply now I locate the courage to see the True
Self I forever am. I start by seeing the hidden beauty in all. Grateful for
this Grandeur Within, I know I see my Self now.



Sunset White Roses

My Source is pure Knowing, pure Peace, pure Life, pure Strength.
Nothing adulterates Infinite Mind. Therefore, being onmipresent,
only the One Mind populates Itself and all that It is. In this permanent
Purity I live and move and have my being. I am eternally included in
this perfection and oneness. With ease and grace I lay aside all dissent
from this Truth. Humbly I accept my Purity in and Unity with the One.
I am grateful for the Truth of my Identity. And so it is.


Monday, February 17, 2014


Camellia Center Grand Royale

I am the warmth of Limitless Love. I am the joy of Exuberant Life.
I am the power of Imperturbable Peace. I am the integrity of Wholeness
Perfect and Complete. I know my Source. Therefore, I know my Self.
I send my appreciation out to all of Life. I am so grateful.
And so it is.


Sunday, February 16, 2014


Warmth-tinged Radiance
Portland International Rose Garden

I am surrounded by and suffused with the warmth
of the All-Loving Presence. Everything in me relaxes now
as I accept how deeply loved I am. I let in this Love
in Which I am immersed. I radiate out this Love
that knows no ending. I identify with this Love
that never fails. I feel so warm and safe inside.
All is well. I am so very grateful. And so it is.



Orange and Black and Yellow
Houston MNH Butterfly Dome 2010

'On the seventh day, God rested.' In truth Infinite Mind is ever in
a state of Rest. Infinite Mind creates effortlessly from this Quietude.
As I return to my natural state of silent rest, I tune in to the Mind
of God. All of Life rests in this listening state. All of Life hears the
Heartbeat of God. Refusing to leave myself out, I calm my mind
and listen, too. And I am renewed by this contact with the
Source of Life. All is well. And so it is.


Friday, February 14, 2014


Arising Lily Pads

I know my thought draws my good to me. For into
the Creative Intelligence my thoughts fall. This Universal
Mind returns my thought to me as experience. I bless these
Ever-Creative waters of Life from which all things come.
I am deeply grateful for Life that reflects my thought. And so it is.



Day Lily Classic

Though my Source is Constant and Unchanging, Its Expressions
are multitudinous. Within this Mind are All Possibilities, each one
unique from all others. Infinite Mind has the resources - the Intelligence,
Strength and Love - to express every one. The circumstances I experience
are among these possibilities. Yet my Identity remains unchanging,
exactly as God knows me to be. I allow my Self to know as God
knows - to know my Self and Source, again. For a completely
stable Identity amid change, I am so grateful. And so it is.


Thursday, February 13, 2014


Heart of Life
Portland International Rose Garden

I came from the Heart of Life, yet have never left.
I bring this Heart everywhere I go.
I bring this Heart to everyone I contact.
Love is beating my heart now and always.
Love is the Heart of my life, everyone's life.
I am grateful to know my Source.
And so it is.


Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Red and Yellow Columbine

I am perfectly fitted for my function. Such is the Wisdom and
Love of my Creator. I get to love my world in specific and powerful
ways. My talents are Love's expression as me. I so love my creative
Self Expression. I am grateful to get to give in the ways that come
so naturally to me. And so it is.


Monday, February 10, 2014


Fading Magnolia Bloom

The physical world cycles. Identifying with the physical, so will the soul
mind cycle. The bodily cycle is but one. We cycle through the rise and
fall of families, tribes, civilizations. We cycle through astrological ages as
well as romances, jobs, interests, financial tides. What does all this cycling
give to the soul mind? Only the question: "Is this all there is?" - the question
that opens to the Eternal. For subsuming vicissitudes is the Infinite, Stable
Experiencer. I am the creation of Changeless Joy. For this foundational
Truth, this Unalterable, Imperturbable Identity I am so grateful. And so it is.


Sunday, February 9, 2014


Red and White Striped Tulip

Deep in my own mind is the Whole of my Creator, for Infinity is
not only omnipresent but infinitely present at every point within Its
Limitless Being. So, yes, Infinity is also completely present in every
atom of my body. I am immersed in a Limitless Livingness, and in all
Love, Intelligence, Supply, Strength. I sink into my mind-center and
feel these Qualities and their Source now. I am never alone. Gratefully,
I know I am so very safe "inside and out." And so it is.


Saturday, February 8, 2014


Peony Lucy

A sense of humor is a Quality of God. This Divine Attribute
I live every day. My heart is kept light as are the hearts
of those I contact. Funny how humor evaporates
depression and uplifts my mood. My God is Happy
and Fun. I love His Companionship. I hear His Laughter
in every voice. I dwell in quiet joy to feel Him here.
I am so happy and grateful. And so it is.



Evening Thunderhead

I am as much a natural process as clouds and trees. For I live
in a lawful universe of Infinite Mind. Nothing is out of place.
All transpires in perfect order and joy. I now claim my
right to see and know this Joy back of all things. I relax
into my native knowing that I am in my right and perfect
place and all is unfolding perfectly. I am joyfully grateful.
And so it is.


Friday, February 7, 2014


Pacific Iris

The Creator of the world is the Creator of me. The same Thought,
Intelligence. Order that went into creating the universe also went into
creating the Mind-Beingness that I am. All else is experience: the
application of my thought, feeling and belief played on the screen of
my perceptual awareness. Under my belief the Divine Thinker
still is Knowing Itself - All Truth, Love, Life, Intelligence. As my belief
makes my experience so Divine Knowing creates the real world and
the real me. I am grateful I can know the Real. And so it is.


Thursday, February 6, 2014


Portland Intenational Rose Garden

Infinity is a Forever Open System. There is nothing closed about God.
Open systems discard entropy. Open systems become ever more
complex and efficient. I am one with this forever openness.
I am forever developing. What a joy to get to always grow!
I throw open my heart and soul to life. I live fully and openly now.
I am so grateful for my mind's intrinsic openness.
I let in all of life.  And so it is.


Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Peach Poppy Peek-a-Boo

I am one with the Truth that created me. Truth and Reality are One.
Truth means Real. Illusion means unreal. Today I decide to live
in the Truth of what I am. Only Truth works with Truth.
Lies have no real existence. I will not fool myself.
I remember my true Identity now. I am so happy and grateful.
And so it is.


Monday, February 3, 2014


Exotic Daffodil

The One Light is the Light by Which I see. Physical light but symbolizes this
Infinite Mind Reality. So the sun symbolizes this Source and True Self that
I am. The sun sees no shadows, but only its own light reflected back
to itself. So does my Real Self see only Its own Light reflected back. So, also,
does the Infinite Source see only Its Clear Mind Light of Perfect Knowing
reflected back into Its awareness. One Light. One Knowing. One Identity.
One Reality. For this constant integrity I am so grateful. And so it is.


Sunday, February 2, 2014


Portland International Rose Garden

Spirit is Irrepressible, for Spirit never suppresses Itself.
With Exuberance and Joy Spirit expresses the Good that It is.
Spirit's expressing continues unendingly. This is my Source!
This is my Life. This is my Identity and Being. I am irrepressible!
I am Good's Expression. I radiate peace, love and joy.
My soul rings with gratitude for God's Glory.
And so it is.


Saturday, February 1, 2014


Shocking Pink Peony

I am alive with the Life of God. I know there are not two lives
but only One Life. I turn to my natural unity with this Aliveness
and accept, again, I am whole. Fragmentation has no place in me.
Dwelling on and in this Whole Life, I see health and vitality in all I meet.
I am happy, healthy, and live in harmony with all that is.
I am so glad to know this, since it is true anyway.
And so it is.



Buttery Orange and White Daffodil

The Creator Mind of All That Is created me pristine, immaculate, pure.
I neither can nor have I besmirched this Beauty. Who knows only Joy
knows also that I am forever as I was created. Have I forgotten my
creation is constant, for God will never cease knowing me as I am?
Today I drop the belief I did or am something wrong. I set aside all
experience and self-accusation and I listen, again, intently to the
Love Within Who knows my ever-true state. Gratefully I am
refreshed with Truth. And so it is.
