Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Reclining Lemur
At the Houston Zoo: 2010

Infinite Mind never does anything pointlessly but is purposeful
in everything It undertakes. I am a divine undertaking. I am here
by divine appointment. I know this purpose is unfolding day by day
in perfect ways. I am always on purpose even when I feel hazy
about what that is. Even this is part of the perfect outworking of
divine purposefulness. I rest in complete trust that perfection
cannot be interrupted. For this I am so grateful. And so it is.



The Delicacy of Poppies

Within me is That Which has never been touched by disease or disaster.
That Which God created, this Sacred Within, is the real me. Today
I let go of the self-image I made and accept the Truth of what I am.
Nothing could be better that That authored by Infinite Intelligence,
Power and Love. Why clutch dry leaves when I am one with the Life
that Creates? Humbly I accept my Self now. I feel so grateful.
And so it is.


Monday, December 30, 2013


Hafta Keep Movin' Koi

I release. I let go of my Self. I remember I am trusted by the Most High.
I open my heart and mind to this Most High Awareness knowing
I am inerrantly guided. I am not out here alone but rather ever
within the Living Heart of my Creator. I cannot go wrong. I am
always safe as are all with me. For this I am very grateful.
And so it is.


Monday, December 23, 2013


Crucible of Beauty
Portland International Rose Garden

In peace I feel the beauty within. In joy I feel
the One Livingness living me. I allow my mind to fill
with this feeling of beloved beauty now. I allow this
vitality to refresh my mind and heart. I reconnect with
the reality of my being and all is well. For this integration
I feel so grateful now. And so it is.



Pink Camellia at Sunset

The early blooms last not so long. They fade and fall away. Yet harbinger
they the return of a new cycle. The shift is in the cycle and the early
flowers evidence this shift. Today I look for the evidence of a new cycle,
refusing to fear as those early indications fall away with no apparently
decisive change. I am watchful for the next wave of evidence my life is
changing for the good. I am expectant and alert. I know my intention and
decision is for the highest and best. Gratefully I witness real shifts
materialize. My joy grows. And so it is.


Sunday, December 22, 2013


All Frills
Portland International Rose Garden

Life is my joy. I love my life. Everything in my life is so very good.
Yet, as I contemplate the Life Divine, my idea of life expands.
I open to the Life of God. I allow the One Life to flow
through me as all I am. I let go into this greater livingness.
I accept life more abundant now.
I am so grateful. And so it is.


Saturday, December 21, 2013


Poppy Pair

I am conceived by the Originating Mind - the Mind that has originated
all things. Because this Mind is Infinite and so has no outside, I am, for
this Mind, an interior experience. In this Mind I live and move and have
my being. Moreover, because like produces like, I am created in the
image and likeness of this infinity. Do I see this? Is this truth obvious
to me? One with this Mind this knowing is ever available to me. Turning
from the exterior to the interior, in stillness I receive the Answer, again.
I am thankful for the peace and energy of Truth. And so it is.


Friday, December 20, 2013


Open to Love
Portland Internatioan Rose Garden

I am open to God's Love and my own.
Love is safe. I am safe being loved and loving.
I openly accept the love of God and myself.
Therefore, I openly accept the love of others.
I am strong enough and courageous enough to love.
How easy: love is what I am! I am safe being my Self.
I am grateful for my open heart. And so it is.


Thursday, December 19, 2013


Symphony in Pink

I  am harmonized with the Heart of God. Being so adjusted,
everything works perfectly in my experience. I cast out fret and worry.
Fear has no place in me. I live courageously from acceptance and peace.
I know my magnitude. Harmony leads me into all Truth. Therefore,
I am free. I love my life. I love all people. I am grateful
for the Song of Life in my heart. And so it is.


Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Burst of Life
Portland International Rose Garden

My life is unfurled by a Divine and Infinite Intelligence,
along with all of Life. No mistakes have been made.
All is always perfect. Joy is my natural state.
I am so secure and safe, so loved and so strong.
Life in me is always Itself. I am this Life. I am so grateful.
And so it is.


Tuesday, December 17, 2013


White Crocus in Sunlight

Each day is a new day; a fresh start. I breathe deeply the new opportunity
of this day. I intend a day of peace and harmony, fairness and respect,
happiness and love, honesty and strength for myself and everyone else.
Unless I intend a better world, how else can it begin to gestate? Unless I
conceive of the possibility, how can I recognize the experience? Humbly
I accept this opportunity to build a better world, beginning with my own
consciousness. I gratefully trust Life to show me the way. Wouldn't Life
desire It's highest expression be known and experienced? And so it is.


Sunday, December 15, 2013


Peony Pleasure

In my deepest recesses is all the Love there is. At the surface
of my conscious mind is that Love. Today I choose to see
and acknowledge this Presence. In this Love I live and move
and have my being. And likewise lives this Love in me.
God is not particalized but a Continuous Whole. I am
continuous with the Love that God is. No more arguing.
I just accept this. Deeply grateful I know it is so. And so it is.


Friday, December 13, 2013


Surrounded by Anthers and Petals

Within my mind I gestate the seeds of my future. My deep desire of today
initiates my experience of tomorrow. Also, my emotional memories actively
create my coming memories. I can break the cycle of painful experience
by consciously thinking true and loving thoughts and feelings. As my inner
mind accepts and internalizes, these become creative of my new future.
My deep desire for harmony and peace will lead me to the perfect ideas
and the people and places that will give me these ideas. Persisting, I find
the way out of a repeating past. I am thankful. And so it is.


Thursday, December 12, 2013


Pink Rhody Bloom Oozing Pollen

Given the size of a pollen grain there is a seeming gulf between stamen
and pistil. Yet somehow that space is traversed and an embryo plant
begins to develop. There is a seeming gulf between the promise of
justice and its consistent, respectful application. How do we get from
here to there? Or is the apparent gulf irrelevent? Life finds a way for
the plant. Why not for human society? Can I know that there is a way
no matter what I was told or thought? Can I trust Life to bridge the
apparent gap between hope and reality? In gratitude may it be so.


Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Portland International Rose Garden

I unfold into this day with ease and grace.
I allow all that I am to show up now.
I am safe being fully visible to myself and to all others.
With joy I expand into all that I am. I let go into this life.
I am so grateful for my natural enthusiasm.
Life is so good. And so it is.


Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Standing Tall

I am safely seen now. I lay aside any inhibition. I know all there is to
see is the Source back of it all. Because I see this Love and Life in me,
I am free to show up as I am. No public image. No falsifying my identity.
I am safey authentic today. My inherent strength makes my visibility easy.
I am grateful to represent my Source in all things now. And so it is.


Sunday, December 8, 2013


Pink Frills (Cyclamen)
Seattle Conservatory

The Originating Mind is still originating me. I am a new creation
in every moment. The Creator cannot cease creating without
ceasing to be What It is. And the inherent Integrity of Divine Mind
insures God is always God. I let go of small, mean ideas of my Creator.
This means I must let go of small, mean ideas of me and rejoin Divine
Mind in knowing the Whole Truth of what I am. For this
Truth I am so grateful. And so it is.



A Little More to Go

Illumination is my destiny. For the clear Mind Light of Perfect Knowing
is still my Identity. Illumination is the Knowing of this Light that I am.
Why put off the inevitable any longer? Why not bring time and space
to a happy conclusion? Eternity awaits my decision. Still, God is inevitable.
Not knowing how it will occur for me, I decide for illumination now.
In joy and peace, I let it all unfold. I am so grateful.
And so it is.


Saturday, December 7, 2013


Actualizing in Spiral Waves
Portland International Rose Garden

God created me a creator. I am in command
of the creative process, the unfolding of my life.
I initiate the creation of my experience. For Infinite Mind
entrusted me with all that It is. I am worthy of all that is
entrusted to me. If That Which Knows All trusts me,
I am logically compelled to also trust myself.
I am deeply grateful for self-trust. And so it is.


Thursday, December 5, 2013


Disparate Pair
Houston MNH Butterfly Dome 2010

No matter my outer characteristics or the characteristics of
my tribe, within, in the Identity that is my Self, I am the same
as all of Life. Here at my Center I am the same Heart that
is shared by all. For One Heart formed all in Its Love. This
All in All is all in me. I am one with this All. So I see my unity
and innate togetherness with all I contact. This Life in me
resonates with the Love in all. I am so grateful. And so it is.


Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Flushed with a Crush on Life
Portland International Rose Garden

I love everything about Life. I love the Beauty.
I love the Peace. I love the Abundance. I love the Playfulness.
I love Life's Intelligence, Wisdom and Brilliance. I love Life's Gentleness.
Life is so attractive to me. My life is a joy and a privilege.
I am so grateful to get to live this life. And so it is.


Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Barbara Walters Peony

I open now to the Love that is the foundation of All That Is.
I immerse my awareness in Safety and Peace. I know my
eternal Vitality. I  know all is unfolding according to a
Divine Intelligence and Joy fresh and new in every instant.
Mistakes are an impossibility in the Mind of God
and I forever live, move and have my being in this One Love.
I love my Self and my Source. I am so grateful. And so it is.


Sunday, December 1, 2013


Opening in Waves
Portland International Rose Garden 2010

I am a blessing to all whom I contact. I do not force nor coerce others
or myself. Like the young peach tree, I allow myself to grow and develop.
The day must come when I fruit for all bringing forth genuine sweetness
and goodness spontaneously. Therefore there is no downside for me
or others. Not from self-lessness but from self-fullness I bring forth
goodness for all and I and all are genuinely blessed. I am humbly
and deeply grateful. And so it is.



Leopard Buddies
Houston Zoo 2010

No matter the color or look of my outsides, inside I am the same as
the inside of All That Is. For the All That Is created me in Its Own
Nature. Everywhere It is I am like That. Deep inside of me I know
and feel this unity with the One. All are my friends and I am friend
to all. I love and enjoy all and all love and enjoy me. I feel so safe
in my world. For the same Life in me resonates to Itself in all.
I am so grateful. And so it is.
