Sunday, June 23, 2013

Quince Blossom Backside Stabber

I open wide to Life. I open wide to Love. For I make my peace with
Life and Love now. I deny any hurt in the Mind of Which Love and Life
are intrinsic attributes. This Mind is ALL-Good and cannot hurt or injure.
This Mind is my mind now. And so I walk in peace and safety my world
of people. I see this Mind in all, and Its Life and Love. In wonder I feel
so grateful. And so it is.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Tornado Rose and Thorn
Portland International Rose Garden 2010

Everything in life whirls. Earth whirls around its axis and
whirls around its sun. The moon whirls around its earth.
Flies whirl around cows. Moths whirl around burning candles.
I whirl around the one I love. Love moves everything, right?
Right or wrong, love still moves me. For this I am so grateful.
And so it is.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Glowing Green Hellebore

I am refreshed daily with new awarenesses of what and who I am.
I expand daily into fresh and new activities. I love these new
discoveries of my nature, capabilities and talents. I explore and
validate my learning of how I operate. I am deeply grateful for
increasing self-awareness. I know the Mind that created me
constantly informs me of what I am. And so it is.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Cup of Joy
Portland International Rose Garden

Happiness is the eternal state of God's Mind.
Joy is therefore my rightful and natural state.
I turn from every painful memory towards the Light of Constant Bliss.
God's Mind is still my mind. I fill my awareness with genuine Happiness.
I am so grateful my cup overrunneth.
And so it is.

Water-Soaked Wild Rose

The Great Mystery means no matter how much I know about It,
there remains an infinity yet to know. And yet this Mystery loves, cares for
and supports me. I am Its beloved creation. I am loved as It loves Itself.
This Love is my love for my Self. How mysterious! Love within Love
within Love. I am blessed to dwell in such Grace. I am very grateful.
And so it is.

Monday, June 17, 2013

White Rose Barely Blushing

Delicacy and Light created me like Itself. Power and Invulnerability
created me just like Itself. My Creator Mind is all things, the All-in-All.
Why do I limit my Self? Infinite Mind will not and can not limit me.
For This Mind is ever in Integrity with Itself. Today I lay aside spurious
limitation. I open my mind to discover this Self I have been missing.
And my Source Who so loves me. I am so grateful. And so it is.

Portland International Rose Garden 2010

I peel deeper into my Self. Whatever useless covering I
discard brings me closer to the innermost jewel that I am.
Did I lose track of my value? Did I forget my worth? My
Creator values me beyond counting. So I peel away self-
accusations and false identifications that I may find, again,
my real worth. I gratefully remember. And so it is.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Young Tulips

All things are forever new. For Life never backtracks, but plunges
ahead creating each new moment. My idea of old is but a new
experience for Infinite Mind. The All Good rejoices in each moment
expressing uncountable new possibilities. I release my idea of aging.
Mind cannot age and I am still wholly mind. I breathe in
my present moment, fresh and new. All is so good.
I am so thankful. And so it is.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Wafers of Life, Waves of Love
Portland International Rose Garden

Love floods my mind and heart. I love my life.
Today I know Love and Life are One,
Qualities of the Mind that created me.
I let go into Life. I let go into Love. I love and live
in perfect safety now. I am in harmony with the Infinite,
my constant Context. I am grateful for Love, Life unending.
And so it is.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Yellow Peony Tulip

Within the deep recesses of my mind is even more peace, even
more beauty, even more love. For the deeper I go, the closer
to my Source. I am an emanation of Divine Mind, exactly like
my Source. Today I cast off thoughts of insufficiency. I release
feelings of fear and ideas of lack. All of Life is within me. I deeply
respect this Limitless Life that is showing up as all I am.
I am very grateful. And so it is.

Pink Tinged Rhody

Deep within me is the One Love. I am loved from the inside out.
For the Love that created me, Who loves me always, is here
within. I let this Love radiate to all I see. There is nothing
to block or limit this Love. By means of me my Originating Love
loves all my world and everyone in it. For this unfailing Love
I am so grateful. And so it is.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Cowgirl Dancing

I dance this life through the silent Flow pouring through me.
I live and love in harmony with the Prime Mover. My movements
are choreographed by this Limitless, Intelligent Love. I let go of halting,
small ideas of what I am. I dance with abandon for any consideration
for appearance or grace. I know Grace is moving me now, revealing
Itself in my every move. I love the Love that alone motivates me. I am
deeply grateful the Invisible reveals Its Music by means of me.
And so it is.

Monday, June 10, 2013

A Spray of White Roses

I dwell in a community of life. Though this life appears as physical,
in truth this Life is an Attribute of Mind and is therefore nonphysical in
origin and quality. As this Mind is limitless, so this Life is everywhere
present. My true community of life is this One Life and the various
manifestations of this One Life: as the vine is one and the flowers and
fruits are many. I now open to the constant Source of Life, my life and
the life of all. I am thankful for this continual Livingness in all things.
And so it is.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Warm as Life

Life, though thought of as pertaining to the body, is really a Quality
of Mind. Mind thinks, feels, is aware, not matter. Mind selects and wills,
not matter. I am this permanent livingness for Mind is my real Identity.
I am one with the Formless, using form as a vehicle of expression.
Today I radiate the goodness, beauty and fullness of the One Mind.
Why hold back? This is why I entered in. Today I live the Life I am.
Today I open to see this One Life as all that is, even matter.
I am so grateful. And so it is.

Facing the Sun

Beyond my vain imaginings I have a real and vital true Self.
This Self is deeper than my fears, truer than my accusations,
higher than my greatest dreams. This Self is invulnerable to
the vicissitudes of this world of change. At peace always,
in strength and in joy my true Self radiates love to all. I open
to this reality within now. I am so grateful for a stable, real Self.
And so it is.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Dripping Columbine

I am saturated with Love. My days are bliss and peace. I know I am one
with Infinite Mind. God's One Mood is my mood. God's One Emotion
is my emotion. God's One Thought is my thought. I feel so deeply grateful.
My life is so good. I send out love to all humankind just for the joy of it.
And so it is.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Flamenco Rose
Portland International Rose Garden

The Energy of Life courses through me.
I cannot weary or tire for this Life is effortless and therefore tireless.
I am uplifted by the Life Within. It is doing the living!
I relax in perfect cooperation and allow the Vitality of Life to flow through
every thought and feeling of my mind and every atom of my body.
I am so grateful for this perfect freedom. And so it is.

White Iris Beard at Sunset

My thought reflects back to me as my environment.
Still, this is an inner experience. I decide what I see.
For I decide what I think. I choose loving, safe, happy thoughts now.
I allow the Perfect Thinker to think my thoughts, knowing these are
my real thoughts always. God has kept me safe and whole,
no matter what I thought. All is well.
I am very grateful. And so it is.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Rain Soaked Lily

I am adjusted to all things, to all conditions and to all personalities.
"All things please me." For I own the Good that owns me. I claim
the Whole as my whole experience. I waken to the Harmonizer
back of all Form and Phenomena. God always walks with me.
Therefore I always walk with God. I cannot fear.
I am so happy and grateful. And so it is.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Portland International Rose Garden

I am whole, complete and perfect right now; and this is always true.
For I am a spiritual reality, one with the Source of Perfect Ideas.
The Pattern of Perfection at the center of my being includes wholeness.
Nothing is broken; nothing is missing or lacking. My wholeness
is wholesomeness in relation to all people, circumstances, and
to myself. I bring wholeness to all people. I see only vibrant health.
I am very grateful. And so it is.

Yellow Trio

Divine Mind is wholly conscious. This wide-awake Mind is
my mind now. There is nothing to avoid, nothing to hide.
I see clear-minded all my life. By seeing fully I see what works
and what does not work. Accepting feedback from Life
I see how to free myself.  I open to the Infinite Mind within,
I think workable thoughts and feel constructive feelings.
Gratefully I live a workable life. And so it is.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

After A Spring Rain

Beauty is my nature, for Beauty is my Creator.
My mind is a creation of inexpressible loveliness,
reflecting all the Beauty of my Creator Mind.
I love the mind that I am. I respect and appreciate
this limitless mind from which I live. I love my life.
I feel so grateful. And so it is.