Thursday, March 6, 2014


A Gaggle of Quince Blooms

Infinite Mind can and does explore every possibility. Even in genetic
sameness, we observe diverse expression of individuality: the blossoms
on a tree, the hairs on a dog, the humans in a community. Clearly, the
Infinite enjoys expressing this symphony of limitless variation. Could it be
that God forms no habits? Could it be that God relies not on routine?
Could it be that God knows nothing of boredom? I take my cue from
Life and its diversity of expression. I love the new. I enjoy variation.
I celebrate with gratitude my uniquness as God-given. And so it is.


1 comment:

  1. I know. There is more genetic diversity in a species than in an individual in that species. Yet, humans, while not genetically identical, except for identical twins, are substantially identical genetically. This observation points to a substrate of sameness, bodily, an expression of oneness. Yet, even here, the Infinite plays with - expresses - every possibility. Unity does not mean uniformity. And what would the Infinite be if It held back expressing Itself fully? impossibility.
