Monday, October 1, 2012

Hiding in Ferns
Houston Museum of Natural History Butterfly Dome 2010

Peace enfolds me always. Peace is a permanent feature of my being.
Upset is always unnecessary. I now offload enemy images. I dwell in
the Friend that Authored both me and all that is. Therefore enemy
images are but vain imaginings. Why keep scaring myself? I could
know peace instead of anxiety! For the love of my Self and my
Source I choose peace today. And I am so grateful. And so it is.


  1. The dark lining of each fern leaf looks as though it could've been drawn with a pen, and the butterfly trying so hard to be part of the plant! I love the way the fern texture breaks up the shot into those basket-like woven striations.

  2. I suspect the dark lining of the fern leaves are spore producing areas. I like the definition that adds. And I also like the weaving feel of the ferns. Fern fractals.
